Best: 97
100s: 0
50s: 8
Ducks: 13
Ave: 32.5
NO: 24
The batting averages before 2014 come from averages submitted by clubs according to the 200 runs criteria used for handbooks and where we have been able to match player names with registered players. Data since 2014 uses scorecard data. If you think your data is missing please contact the league and we will try to resolve as much as possible. At some point into the future we hope to be able to include players averages from the OCA data here
Best: 7-44
5 fors: 16
Ave: 17.3
SR: 27.7
Econ: 3.7
The bowling averages before 2014 come from averages submitted by clubs according to the 200 runs criteria used for handbooks and where we have been able to match player names with registered players. Data since 2014 uses scorecard data. If you think your data is missing please contact the league and we will try to resolve as much as possible. At some point into the future we hope to be able to include players averages from the OCA data here
139th in highest runs scorers with 3479
161st in not outs with 24
24th in most wickets with 467