2025 Fixtures for Division 9C

NOTE: If you intend to load scorecards from PCS/play-cricket DO NOT create these fixtures yourself in play-cricket - use the league generated ones or it will not work!

1 10th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose Table

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Fringford 2
Kidlington 3 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Silverstone 2 vs Oxenford 4
Witney Mills 4 vs Deddington 2
No Fixture: Gawcott & Hillesden 1

2 17th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Fringford 2 vs Kidlington 3
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Silverstone 2
Oxenford 4 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Witney Mills 4
No Fixture: Deddington 2

3 24th May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Silverstone 2
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Deddington 2
Kidlington 3 vs Oxenford 4
Witney Mills 4 vs Fringford 2
No Fixture: Shipton-under-Wychwood 4

4 31st May 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Oxenford 4 vs Witney Mills 4
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Deddington 2
Silverstone 2 vs Kidlington 3
No Fixture: Fringford 2

5 7th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Deddington 2 vs Fringford 2
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Kidlington 3 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
Witney Mills 4 vs Silverstone 2
No Fixture: Oxenford 4

6 14th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Witney Mills 4
Fringford 2 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Kidlington 3 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Oxenford 4 vs Deddington 2
No Fixture: Silverstone 2

7 21st June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Deddington 2 vs Silverstone 2
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Fringford 2
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Oxenford 4
Witney Mills 4 vs Kidlington 3
No Fixture: Chesterton and Wendlebury 2

8 28th June 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Deddington 2
Oxenford 4 vs Fringford 2
Silverstone 2 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Witney Mills 4 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
No Fixture: Kidlington 3

9 5th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Deddington 2 vs Kidlington 3
Fringford 2 vs Silverstone 2
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Oxenford 4
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
No Fixture: Witney Mills 4

10 12th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Deddington 2 vs Witney Mills 4
Fringford 2 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
Oxenford 4 vs Silverstone 2
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Kidlington 3
No Fixture: Gawcott & Hillesden 1

11 19th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Oxenford 4
Kidlington 3 vs Fringford 2
Silverstone 2 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Witney Mills 4 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
No Fixture: Deddington 2

12 26th July 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Deddington 2 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Fringford 2 vs Witney Mills 4
Oxenford 4 vs Kidlington 3
Silverstone 2 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
No Fixture: Shipton-under-Wychwood 4

13 2nd August 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Deddington 2 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
Kidlington 3 vs Silverstone 2
Witney Mills 4 vs Oxenford 4
No Fixture: Fringford 2

14 9th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose-Draw

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Kidlington 3
Fringford 2 vs Deddington 2
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Silverstone 2 vs Witney Mills 4
No Fixture: Oxenford 4

15 16th August 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Deddington 2 vs Oxenford 4
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Kidlington 3
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Fringford 2
Witney Mills 4 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
No Fixture: Silverstone 2

16 23rd August 1.00 PM Win-Lose

Fringford 2 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Kidlington 3 vs Witney Mills 4
Oxenford 4 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Silverstone 2 vs Deddington 2
No Fixture: Chesterton and Wendlebury 2

17 30th August 12.30 PM Win-Lose

Deddington 2 vs Chesterton and Wendlebury 2
Fringford 2 vs Oxenford 4
Gawcott & Hillesden 1 vs Witney Mills 4
Shipton-under-Wychwood 4 vs Silverstone 2
No Fixture: Kidlington 3

18 6th September 12.30 PM Win-Lose

Chesterton and Wendlebury 2 vs Shipton-under-Wychwood 4
Kidlington 3 vs Deddington 2
Oxenford 4 vs Gawcott & Hillesden 1
Silverstone 2 vs Fringford 2
No Fixture: Witney Mills 4